1. It’s so encouraging to remember God’s faithfulness and to know that, whatever else may change, his faithfulness never will. I think it makes a big difference to others when we show faithfulness too.

    1. It sure is encouraging for sure. What a difference it really is. I’m unbelievably grateful for that.

  2. It is encouraging to dig deeper into His faithfulness to us, Paula, and then to examine our lives to see how we respond to various events – to see if we are still in the faith.

    1. You are so right, I think we should self examine regularly so that we can keep in his faith. Thank you for being a blessing to me.

  3. Paula, thank you for your faithfulness affirmation. This is a wonderful reminder of our true faith, not the faith that is found in the world. On the narrow path to Jesus!

    1. You’re most welcome Debbie. And you are so right.

  4. Love the idea of placing a name beside each of those thoughts on faithfulness!

  5. Paula, this post brought a smile. As a kid, I had a book The Seven Natural Wonders of the World which I used to love reading. It was encouraging to think on the faithfulness of our God – He never changes. He is always the same. He is our One and Only unchanging wonder 🙂 May we behold Him each and every day!

    1. I’m happy this made you smile. I do the same thing when I watch nature documentaries. I just marvel in his creation and faithfulness.

  6. Thanks for reminding us of the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to develop His fruit in our lives. And for helping us to nderstand faithfulness.

    1. You’re most welcome Donna.

  7. I’m enjoying reading your posts on fruits of the spirit. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 88. Shared.

    1. Thanks bunches Dee and you’re most welcome.

  8. I enjoyed putting biblical names in the list you provided – and how encouraging it was to do so! Pray you are well! Blessings, my friend! ~ Maryleigh

    1. I’m happy you found this helpful. It was for me too.

  9. CONGRATS Paula! Your post is FEATURED at the Unlimited Link Party 89!

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